Saturday, March 23, 2024

Episode 18 - Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory, Campaign Strategy & the Money

The strategies, the spending, and the continuing chaos in both campaigns, while the rest of government continues the clown show.  Keith and Mike also discuss some of the down ticket Senate and House races and Donald Trump's continuing money problems.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Episode 17 - Let the "Air War" begin

Keith and Mike discuss last week's primaries, the significance of the remaining primaries, the Vice President picks and the beginning of the long "air war" taking us to November.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Episode 16 - Super Tuesday & the State of the Union Address

Keith and Mike discuss the results of the Super Tuesday primaries and full coverage of the State of the Union Address.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Episode 15 - Michigan Wrap-Up, Super Tuesday Preview and the Current Distractions

Keith gives us some distressing stats on voter turnout, a wrap-up of the Michigan Primary and a preview of Super Tuesday.  The Supreme Court actions and the departure of Mitch McConnell are also discussed.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Episode 14 - South Carolina Primary, Putin, Tucker and the Biden Impeachment

On the edge of the primary election in Nikki Haley's state, Keith shares his thoughts.  Russia, Putin and Tucker Carlson in the news and the Biden impeachment stumbles.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Episode 13 - The Mechanics, the Candidate's Baggage, and the Politics of the 2024 Presidential Campaign

Keith and Mike bring things up-to-date on all the current issues that face the 2024 Presidential campaign.  Also, Keith talks about running for office from a jail cell and the "Taylor Swift factor" in the upcoming election.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Episode 12 - New Hampshire Recap, Preview of Upcoming Primaries & the Southern Border as a Campaign Issue

Keith and Mike discuss the results of the New Hampshire primary.  Was it really a win for Trump?  A look ahead to primaries leading up to Super Tuesday in March.  Also, did the GOP take a winning campaign - the Southern border - and make it a liability?